Typical Brake Repair Pricing

An important part of caring for your vehicle is knowing what typical repair costs are for different services and repairs, and working that into your long term transportation budgeting. While it’s impossible to give an exact estimate for every type of car in a short written paragraph, we can give general ranges that you can try to apply to your own vehicle.

Brake repairs depend on whether you are replacing just the brake pads, the pads and the rotors, or the pads, rotors and calipers.

Brake Repair Costs Estimate (low-end) range for cars

2000 Toyota Camry brake pad replacement ~$450

2000 Toyota Camry brake pad, rotors and calipers ~$900

Brake Repair Costs Estimate (low-end) range for cars

2012 Porsche Cayenne brake pad replacement ($1120)

2012 Porsche Cayenne brake pad, rotors and calipers ~$3950)

Brake Repair Costs Estimate (low-end) range for Trucks

2011 GMC Sierra 3500 HD / 1 Ton brake pad replacement ~$970

2011 GMC Sierra 3500 HD / 1 Ton brake pad, rotors and calipers ~$1700